Optimize your investment in SOLIDWORKS with live technical support, exclusive certification opportunities included SOLIDWORKS Visualize and SOLIDWORKS CAM, and the latest feature updates.

As a SOLIDWORKS Subscription Services member, you will have immediate, exclusive access to all new SOLIDWORKS releases and upgrades, live technical support, products, extensive online resources, and enhancement request privileges. With Subscription Services, you’ll stay current and competitive, while maximizing the value you get from your SOLIDWORKS software.

Why Subscribe?

New Software Releases 

As a member, you’ll automatically receive the latest versions of SOLIDWORKS software when it’s released. Having the current version helps keep you on pace with clients -and the competition – without ever missing a beat.

Local Technical Support 

As a Subscription Services member, you will have full access to live technical support from your local SOLIDWORKS value-added reseller. They’re certified EXPERTS in all things SOLIDWORKS and ready to assist you in any capacity.

Software Upgrades 

We’re constantly improving and upgrading our software. Whether it’s an increase in performance and reliability, a community-requested enhancement, or adding new functionality and supporting files, SOLIDWORKS is always evolving.

SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal 

From software downloads to product education, the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal can maximize your SOLIDWORKS experience. With an easy-to-search repository filled with in-depth info and resources, the Customer Portal lets you find the answers you need.

Beta & EV Programs 

The SOLIDWORKS Beta and Early Visibility (EV) Programs give you exclusive access to our latest developments and select Service Packs before general release. Work directly with our teams to influence and improve the next SOLIDWORKS product release.


The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional and Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate exams are available to Subscription Services members. Build your team’s skills with two free core exams and two advanced exams per year for every seat of SOLIDWORKS you purchase.

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